Program at a Glance

Please check back regularly as we continue to add more details about the program.

Thursday, July 11

6 p.m. Welcome Reception at the St. Regis
Mountain Plaza

6:45 p.m. Transportation departs St. Regis for Betula

7 p.m. Opening Dinner at Betula

Steven Romick
Aspen Discovery Forum Co-Chair

Overnight at the St. Regis

Friday, July 12

7-8:30 a.m. Breakfast at leisure
Aspen Room, St. Regis

8:45 a.m. Transportation departs St. Regis for Buttermilk Mountain Lodge

9:15 a.m. Morning of Science at Buttermilk Mountain Lodge
Learn how Weizmann scientists are accelerating the path from scientific investigation to technological development as they tackle climate change, one of the most critical issues of the day.

Dave Doneson
Chief Executive Officer, American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science

Featured Presenters:

Prof. Alon Chen
President, Weizmann Institute of Science
Departments of Brain Sciences and Molecular Neuroscience
Vera and John Schwartz Professorial Chair in Neurobiology

Towards a Sustainable Future
Prof. Ron Milo
Dean of Education and Director of the Institute for Environmental Sustainability
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Charles and Louise Gartner Professorial Chair

—Refreshment Break—

For Bacteria, Context Matters
Dr. Einat Segev
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

11:45 p.m. Lunch

1 p.m. Transportation departs for afternoon activities

4 p.m. All activity participants return to St. Regis

6 p.m. Transportation departs from St. Regis to Eden Gallery

6:15 p.m. Art + Science: Private Dinner at Eden Gallery

Blythe Brenden
Aspen Discovery Forum Co-Chair

Featured Presenter:

Crossroads of Art and Science
Prof. Roee Ozeri
Vice President, Weizmann Institute of Science

Overnight at the St. Regis

Saturday, July 13

7-8:30 a.m. Breakfast at leisure
Aspen Room, St. Regis

8:45 a.m. Transportation departs St. Regis for Aspen Meadows

9:15 a.m. Morning of Science at Aspen Meadows
Explore artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential implications across the sciences, including in drug discovery and disease diagnosis.

Aaron Westfall
Chief Philanthropy Officer, American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science

Featured Presenters:

Prof. Roee Ozeri
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
Vice President for Development and Communications

Designing Efficiency: New Materials for Capturing Sunlight
Dr. Sivan Refaely-Abramson
Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science
The Leah Omenn Career Development Chair

—Refreshment Break—

Reengineering the Immune System Using Genomics and AI
Prof. Ido Amit
Director, Center for Immunotherapy Research
Department of Systems Immunology
Eden and Steven Romick Professorial Chair

11:30 a.m. Lunch

1 p.m. Transportation departs for afternoon activities

4 p.m. All activity participants back to St. Regis

6 p.m. Transportation departs from St Regis to Stony Creek Ranch

6:30 p.m. Closing Dinner at the home of Karen Davidson

Dave Doneson
Chief Executive Officer, American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. Alon Chen
President, Weizmann Institute of Science
Karen Davidson
Aspen Discovery Forum Co-Chair

Overnight at the St. Regis

Sunday, July 14

7-8:30 a.m. Breakfast at leisure
Aspen Room, St. Regis
